Do Possums Carry Rabies?
August 18, 2021
Possums are small mammals the size of house cats. They are grey in colour but with a white face and…
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Possums are small mammals the size of house cats. They are grey in colour but with a white face and have short legs, a pointed nose, and a long tail. Possums are expert climbers and use their flexible tails for balance and support as they climb. They are usually active at night, thanks to their excellent night vision. During the day, they spend time in hollow trees, brush piles, and spaces under structures. When threatened, possums act lifeless by lying motionless on their side (feet clenched, tongue hanging out, mouth and eyes wide open) and releasing a green secretion from their anus that smells like a rotten carcass.
Are Possums Blind?
Many people think that possums are blind, which is flat-out wrong. Possums are not blind even though they move sluggishly. They have eyes with dilated pupils that enable them to see in the dark.
Are Possums Dangerous?
Although possums are not that destructive, you should not entertain them in your home. They are still considered dangerous because they can:
- Eat Plants – Possums help eliminate pests in your garden. But they can mess up by eating your fruits and vegetables or trampling over your crops.
- Attack Pets – Possums play dead when threatened. If that does not do the trick, they defend themselves by biting. Thus, they can injure your kids and pets if a brawl occurs.
- Kill Chickens – Possums do eat chickens and their eggs, especially when other food sources are scarce.
Can Possums Get Rabies?
The big question is, do possums get rabies and even transmit it? Any mammal can get rabies, and possums are no exception. But possums are at low risk of contracting rabies because of their low body temperature, making it hard for the rabies virus to thrive.
Diseases Transmitted By Possums
While it is unlikely for possums to transmit rabies, they are known disease carriers. Their bodies harbour germs and pathogens that can cause illnesses. Leptospirosis is one of the diseases transmitted through the urine or other body fluids of infected possums. The disease is harmful to both pets and humans. Possums are also linked to various other sicknesses. These include tuberculosis, tularemia, toxoplasmosis, Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis), relapsing fever, and spotted fever. Besides, they are infested with parasites like lice, fleas, mites, and ticks that are disease spreaders.
Possums In Residential Homes
Possums tend to be opportunists. That is why they invade homes despite them belonging in the woodlands. When you find a possum in your home, note that it is just stopping by to get a meal. Possums love eating cat food and rummaging through garbage. Once they have eaten to their fill, they will leave. But if it is cold outside or breeding season, they will seek shelter in your residence, especially in the attic and under the deck. They can stay there for months if food is readily available. Though possums are troublesome, they are beneficial in eliminating pests like slugs and small rodents.
Signs Of Possum Invasion In Your Home
- Structure Damage – Possums enter buildings by climbing up the siding. Therefore, you will notice exterior damage first. Typical damages include a ripped soffit and torn-up roof shingles. Also, check the eaves and gutter system for damage.
- Pet Food Disappearance – Possums get attracted to pet food. The chances of possum presence in your home are high if cat food keeps disappearing.
- Animal Sounds – Possums have multiple vocalisations, including shrieking and hissing. Females make a clicking or lip-smacking sound as they call their babies. When you hear such sounds around your home, inspect for possible possum presence.
- Unpleasant Smells – An outright sign of possum invasion is the smell. Possums defecate more than any other mammal. And their faeces are larger than those of a cat. The wet droppings soak into building insulation materials leading to an unpleasant smell in your house.
Getting Rid Of Possums
When you find possums in your yard, the best thing to do is to let them be. Within a day or two, they will move somewhere else. However, if you realise they have made your home a permanent dwelling place, you need to take appropriate measures to remove them. Here are some of the ways to deal with possum infestation:
1. Trapping
Trapping involves capturing an animal with a baited trap. Once the animal is trapped, you release it somewhere safe away from your home. It may take a few days before the possums troubling you get trapped. So, be patient.
2. Home Management
Possums invade homes looking for something to eat, including fruits, veggies, small animals, and animal remains. They also search for a cosy place to inhabit. Identify and remove such things and areas that may attract possums to your home.
3. Repellents
Chemical and natural repellents are pretty effective in keeping possums away from your home. They have properties, mainly scents, that these creatures dislike. Though they offer an instant solution, you have to reapply often for effectiveness. Some readily available repellents to use include garlic, ammonia, spicy peppers, and pet fur. These do not harm possums but discourage them from accessing your home.
4. Professional Wildlife Control
The best alternative is getting in touch with a professional wildlife control service. Professionals are knowledgeable in dealing with problems associated with possum invasion. Their expertise removes the guesswork from possum removal. They work by applying the right strategies and utilising the right products that ensure possums are kept at bay.
How To Identify Rat Droppings In Your Home
August 18, 2021
Rat and mice infestations are a frustrating experience for homeowners. These rodents enter houses looking for a food source and…
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Rat and mice infestations are a frustrating experience for homeowners. These rodents enter houses looking for a food source and nesting place. Through their droppings, you can know if they have infested your home. Identifying rodent droppings is essential in discovering and eradicating an infestation by rats or mice.
What Do Mice Droppings Look Like?
Below we look at the different aspects of rat excreta and how it compares to mice droppings.
1. Colour
Rat droppings are dark brown. The darker the colour, the fresher they are. With time, the droppings dry out and turn grey. You can check the freshness or dryness of rat faeces to determine if you have a current or an old infestation. The same goes for mice poop which is black in colour.
2. How Big Is Rat Poop?
Rat stool differs in size depending on rat age and species. Obviously, the bigger the rat, the more and larger the poop. Rat and mice faeces are different in certain aspects. Mice poop is tinier, darker, and smoother with more pointed ends.
3. How Often Do Rats Poop?
In a day, mice leave behind 80 to 160 droppings, while rats do 40 to 55 droppings. Regardless of the amount, any sign of poop indicates your home has been infested. The quantity of droppings can give you a clue about the number of mice or rats in your home.
4. Moisture
Fresh rodent poop is moist and shiny. To determine how fresh the poop is, use a pointed stick to squish it. If it crumbles, it is old. But if it does not, then it is fresh. Fresh droppings indicate rats and mice are still around.
5. Location Of The Poop
Due to their bigger size, rats defecate in more open areas such as along garage walls, behind storage shelves, under kitchen appliances, and around attic spaces. Mice do the contrary, getting into your cabinet or silverware drawer and easing themselves there.
Rat Vs. Squirrel Droppings
Rat poop is larger than a squirrel’s. It measures around 3/4 of an inch, while that of a squirrel is about 3/8 of an inch. In addition, comparing squirrel poop vs rat poop, the droppings of the former are rounder in shape and lighter in colour.
Dangers Of Rat Faeces
Rat stool contains pathogens that pose several health risks to humans, including Salmonellosis, rat-bite fever, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, Leptospirosis, haemorrhagic fever, renal syndrome, Bubonic plague, and Lassa fever. Rat poop can also affect your pets health-wise. When exposed to rat faeces, dogs can contract rat-bite fever, Leptospirosis, Toxoplasmosis, and Tularemia (rabbit fever). The longer it takes to remove rat droppings, the higher the danger posed to your family and pets.
Does Rat Poop Smell?
Rat stool emits a pungent, musky smell. The urine of rats stinks more than their poop.
How Long Are Rat Droppings Toxic?
Whether the poop is dry or moist, it is still hazardous. Rat faeces, old or fresh, can contaminate food, trigger allergies, and spread bacteria. Therefore, there is no specific time frame in which rat faeces remain toxic.
How To Clean Up Rat Poop
When collecting rat faeces for disposal, take precautions not to handle the poop with your bare hands because you will be risking contracting one of the many diseases transmitted by rats. If the faeces are extremely dry and probably crumbled, put a mask on to avoid inhaling airborne pathogens and subsequently getting an allergic reaction. Also, be careful not to contaminate surfaces with the poop.
- Open Windows and Doors – Ventilate the entire space for a few minutes before cleaning up the poop.
- Wear Protective Clothing – Protect yourself from contamination by wearing gloves, a face mask, and goggles. Doing so blocks direct contact with the rat droppings.
- Apply Chlorine Bleach – Mix five litres of hot water with three hundred and sixty millilitres of chlorine bleach. Spray the solution on all areas with rat stool. Do not vacuum or sweep to prevent the release of pathogens into the air.
- Collect the Poop – Use paper towels to pick up the droppings. Put them in a sealed plastic bag and safely dispose of them outside.
- Disinfect Floors and Other Surfaces – Use the chlorine bleach solution to wipe surfaces and then dry using a paper towel.
- Wash Your Hands Clean – With a disinfectant and warm water, thoroughly scrub your hands to ensure no contaminants are left.
Keeping Rats And Mice Away From Your Home
The ideal way to avoid rat and mice droppings is to ensure that these household rodents do not infest your home. Capture them using traps, then release them to the wild. You can also use repellents to drive them away. Some effective rodent repellents include peppermint oil, hot pepper flakes, garlic, clove oil, ammonia, and instant potatoes. However, if the rat or mice infestation is severe, it is strongly recommended to contact a professional rodent control service. Specialists in rodent removal eradicate rats and mice in homes, getting rid of their droppings altogether.
How To Differentiate Between Rat And Mice Droppings
August 18, 2021
Mice and rats are nocturnal rodents. They are mostly active at night when many of their predators are asleep. Their…
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Mice and rats are nocturnal rodents. They are mostly active at night when many of their predators are asleep. Their nightly nature poses a challenge because you cannot spy on them. So, how do you know you have a rat or mice infestation? The clearest indication is mouse or rat droppings. Besides looking different and having distinct behaviours, rats and mice can be differentiated by their poop. To determine whether mice or rats infest your home, it pays to tell the difference between rat poop vs. mice poop.
Rat Droppings Vs. Mouse Droppings
1. Rat Droppings
A rat infestation can deposit at least twenty to forty droppings daily. Rats also produce a large amount of pungent-smelling urine. Within a few weeks of infestation, the smell emanating from the droppings can be recognised upon entering the house. Rat poop usually appears in tight, large clusters because rats defecate in the same place.
Where To Find Rat Poop
- Boiler rooms, storage cupboards, and inspection chambers
- Beneath kitchen and utility room appliances
- Behind dryers, fridges, freezers, and washing machines
- Insulated lofts, attics, and crawl spaces
2. Mouse Droppings
Mice can produce fifty to seventy-five black, scattered droppings in a single night. The droppings almost look similar to those of bats. The main difference is that bat droppings usually crumble to dust, while mice have putty-like droppings. Like rats, mice urinate a lot with the urine featuring a pungent smell and containing disease-causing bacteria. Unlike rats, mice defecate all over the place.
Where To Find Mice Poop
- In sofa beds
- Inside toaster and crumb trays
- Under microwaves and TV cabinets
- Behind and beneath furniture
3. Size Of The Droppings
Rat droppings are bigger than those of mice, measuring three-quarter inches long and featuring a blunter end. How big is mouse poop then? Mice droppings measure around a quarter-inch in length and feature a pointed end.
4. Shape And Colour Of The Droppings
Rat poop is dark brown and wide, featuring a banana-like curve. On the other hand, mice poop is black with a granular shape.
5. Location Of The Poop
Mice usually build their nesting place close to food sources like the pantry, and here is where you are likely to find their droppings. Rats tend to put up nests in more hidden areas, such as behind the wall or along the basement. If you find poop in such locations, it likely belongs to rats.
What Do Rat And Mice Droppings Indicate?
When you spot rat or mouse poop in your house, it simply means there is an infestation. The size and amount of poop can help you determine how many rodents have invaded your home and how large they are. And rat vs. mouse poop differences will enable you to know which of the two common household rodents has infested your home. The frequency of pooping indicates whether rats and mice are still active or not.
A baby rat or mouse produces tiny droppings. Hence, if you spot countless droppings differing in size, it signifies that mice or rats are actively reproducing. The age of the poop, whether fresh or dry, confirms current or past activity by rats or mice. Fresh poop shows that they are still around, while dry poop shows they were around but have since left or died. If you are not sure, clean up the old droppings and check if new poop will appear within a day or two.
Health Risks Of Mouse And Rat Droppings
Both mice and rat droppings are health hazards despite their many differences. The droppings are linked to various diseases, including Leptospirosis, Rickettsia, Salmonellosis, and Hantavirus. Therefore, it is dangerous having direct contact with rat and mouse poop. Again, with time, the droppings dry and crumble, becoming airborne. When inhaled, an allergic reaction may occur.
Proofing Your Home
Securing your home against household rodents is the finest way of doing away with rat and mice droppings once and for all. Trim all shrubs and trees around. Keep bird feeders away from your house. And store pet food indoors, preferably in plastic or metal rodent-proof containers. Additionally, check the exterior of your home for cracks, crevices, and other entry points rats and mice can use to gain entry.
Hiring A Rodent Control Expert
Now that you are knowledgeable about rat poop vs. mouse poop, what next? Rat and mice control it is! It is advisable to get in touch with a professional rodent control service to successfully deal with a rat or mice infestation in your home. Professionals not only eliminate the mice and rats on your property but also clean up their mess. If you are experiencing a small infestation, you can use traps and other DIY approaches to get rid of these furry pests. Items in your pantry like cloves, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and peppermint oil are favourable rodent repellents.
Brown Cockroach Identification And Prevention
August 18, 2021
Brown cockroaches are a small-bodied but highly invasive cockroach species. They got their name thanks to their dark brown bodies…
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Brown cockroaches are a small-bodied but highly invasive cockroach species. They got their name thanks to their dark brown bodies and light brown wings.
What Does A Brown Roach Look Like?
Brown roaches are characterised by two light brown wings running across their dark brown bodies. They are two inches long, making them smaller compared to most other cockroach species. But like every other cockroach, they have an oval shape with two long antennae and six legs. Male roaches grow whole wings reaching the end of their abdomens. Females have underdeveloped wings that make it hard for them to fly and are darker than males. With their brown colour, brown cockroach blend perfectly into furniture and cabinets.
Brown Cockroach Lifespan
Brown roaches can live for up to 206 days and reproduce at higher rates than other roach species. Females lay around fourteen egg capsules throughout their life. Every capsule contains ten to eighteen eggs, making the population of these “brownies” grow at an alarming rate.
Habitat And Behaviour
Every part of your home can be a shelter for these cockroaches. Think of bathrooms, behind picture frames and kitchen cabinets, among other places. Brown cockroaches are small and nocturnal, which can make it challenging to detect them. But you can still see them moving around during the day. They thrive in drier areas. And when they get threatened, the males fly while the females will run since they cannot fly.
Signs Of Brown Cockroach Infestation In Your Home
- Keep in mind that it could be challenging to spot this kind of roach because its brown colour matches the surroundings.
- One indication of an infestation is the droppings roaches leave behind. The droppings look like black smears or specks and are prevalent where cockroaches spend most of their time.
- Yellowish egg cases laid by the females are another sign. They are 5 mm long and commonly found under the furniture. After some time, the embryos developing inside the eggs become more visible.
- The sight of brown roaches roaming around your house is a significant sign. Once you see a single brown cockroach, the chances are high that there are many others. Therefore, an immediate cockroach inspection needs to be done.
Threats Posed By Smoky Brown Roaches
Brown cockroaches are notorious for causing a range of health problems. Their tiny bodies are a hub of disease-causing pathogens. Roaches carry germs on their legs as they crawl on sewage and other dirty matter. They then bring all that dirt into food leading to the contamination that can cause dysentery and cholera. Roaches are also carriers of allergens that can trigger asthma attacks and severe allergies, especially in kids. Some of the allergic reactions include sneezing, itchy eyes and running nose.
Brown Cockroach Diet
No food is off-limits for brown cockroaches as they feed on almost everything, even other species of roaches. They love eating stuff with high levels of starch, particularly book bindings and wallpaper glue. Besides their usual diet of boxes and leftovers, cockroaches are known to eat fingernails and eyelashes. With their weird eating habits, you can easily see why they can infest any part of your home.
How To Manage Smoky Brown Roaches The Natural Way
Here are some natural ways to repel and even eliminate roaches that are invading your dwelling:
Boric Acid
Mix equal amounts of sugar, boric acid and flour to create a dough. Make small dough balls and set them around your house. Brown roaches will gladly feast on the sugar and flour, but the boric acid will kill them within a few minutes. However, it would be best to be careful since boric acid can severely affect your pets and kids.
Fabric Softener
Fabric softener is an excellent repellant because cockroaches hate its smell. In a spray bottle, mix the softener with water, then treat all the areas you will likely find brown cockroaches.
Eliminate Smoky Brown Roaches With Fresh Coffee Grounds
Brown cockroaches are caffeine addicts despite it being toxic to them. Place coffee grounds where there is roach activity. They will get attracted to the caffeine but die later on because of the toxicity.
Sugar And Baking Soda
This mixture works exactly as boric acid. Even better, it is safe for pets and kids. Mix an equal amount of sugar and baking soda, then sprinkle anyplace you have spotted brown roaches. The sugar will attract them, while baking soda ends their life.
Onion, Cayenne And Garlic Powder
Brown cockroach detest the smell of spices. Sprinkle the spicy powder around the house to repel roaches.
Essential Oils For Brown Cockroach Extermination
Oils like mint, clove and tea tree come in handy in getting rid of roaches. Mix one of the oils with water and spray the resulting mixture where you frequently spot cockroaches.
When To Call A Brown Roaches Control Service
For effective brown cockroaches management, consider hiring a professional pest control service. Professionals will visit your home regularly to ensure that it is roach-free. With their expertise and quality products and techniques, you can rest assured of getting a long-lasting solution to your cockroach problem.
American Cockroach Facts And How To Control Them
August 18, 2021
Your house could be home to all manner of critters, including cockroaches. When it comes to cockroaches, differentiating them can…
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Your house could be home to all manner of critters, including cockroaches. When it comes to cockroaches, differentiating them can be challenging, given the many different species of roaches. But there is one type of cockroach that is commonly found in most homes – the American cockroach. American roaches are the largest common cockroach species. Anyway, this should not be something to worry about at all. They are manageable regardless of their huge size.
What American Roaches Look Like
An adult American roach is around 1.5 inches long, with the biggest roach growing up to 2 inches. It is reddish-brown and features a yellow band behind its head. Like all other cockroaches, it has six legs, a pair of antennae and an oval body shape. Additionally, it has wings that enable it to fly short distances.
Females lay eggs with capsule-shaped protective cases and deposit them in warm, hidden areas. On average, a single egg capsule contains about sixteen eggs. After the eggs hatch, small nymphs come out of the capsule. Cockroach nymphs go through a series of moults and emerge as adults from their last moult. American cockroaches can go from hatching to adulthood in less than six months with ample food.
Behaviours That Help You Notice An American Cockroach Infestation
American cockroaches develop wings when they are adults. The wings enable them to fly away when they are threatened. They mainly inhabit outdoor spaces. You will readily find them under mulch or around flowerbeds. Some people refer to them as palmetto bugs since they like living on fan palms too. Another place they love hanging around is inside sewer systems.
Although American roaches are primarily outdoor creatures, they invade houses in search of food and water. They gain entry through garages, weather stripping and basement windows. Once they are inside, they proceed to the kitchen, basement, bathroom or laundry room. Then, they make themselves at home in appliances, drains and cabinets. Hungry, they will feed on anything they find, including crumbs, spilled food, dead insects, glue and wood.
Main Signs Of American Cockroach Infestation
A Large Roach
Seeing a giant reddish-brown cockroach with a yellow stripe is an outright sign American cockroach have infested your home. However, they usually run fast and hide in dark areas, making it challenging to spot them often. If startled, they can also take flight.
American cockroaches usually defecate in dark parts of the house, where they mostly hide. The feces are small, cylindrical, black or brown, and have blunt ends with ridges on the sides. Look for droppings around your house to confirm an infestation.
Egg Cases
The egg capsules of cockroaches average 38 mm in length. They are blackish or reddish-brown and commonly found in laundry rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, basements, inside cabinets and behind appliances.
Cockroaches secret a chemical known as aggregation pheromone. The chemical releases a distinct smell that binds roaches together in groups. On noticing a musty smell, know that your house is already infested.
What Kinds Of Diseases Do Roaches Carry?
When American cockroaches infest your home, the health of your family is under threat. These bugs carry germs that they transfer onto food leading to food-related illnesses, including diarrhea, cholera, dysentery and typhoid. Besides contaminating food, they can cause leprosy, fever, poliomyelitis, asthma and allergic reactions.
Other American Cockroach Facts
Here are more facts about American cockroach you should know to help deal with them effectively:
- They are quick runners with the ability to move as fast as fifty body lengths per second.
- Their population can grow at an alarming rate, with the possibility of going as high as five thousand cockroaches in one sewer hole.
- They are the largest roach species growing up to 2 inches long or more.
- American cockroaches can moult thirteen times before metamorphosis.
- They have the longest lifespan among all cockroach species living up to seven hundred days.
- The scientific name of cockroach is Periplaneta Americana.
- An American roach can hold its breath for up to forty minutes.
- They are older than dinosaurs, with their origin traced back to almost 359 million years ago.
How To Eliminate American Roaches In Your Home
Insecticide Sprays
When spraying, focus on entry points and hiding spots. Make use of recommended insecticides such as D-Fense SC, Cyper WSP, Demon WP and Cyzmic CS. Spray both inside and outside. Outdoors, target dryer vents, pipe openings, doors and windows. Indoors, spray corners and dark spots, basically where they usually hide. Alternatively, use insecticide granules, applying them around the base of your house.
American Cockroach Infestation Bait
Baits are super effective in keeping American cockroaches in check. Use efficient baits like InTice 10 Perimeter Bait or InVict Xpress Granular Bait for outstanding results. Place the baits in attics, crawl spaces and other areas cockroaches frequent.
Diatomaceous Earth
American cockroach usually die shortly after coming into contact with this highly effective powder. Apply the powder anywhere you notice the presence of these insects. The powder works by dehydrating roaches to death. Though the powder is safe for both people and pets, follow the usage guidelines for safer and better application.
Baking Soda And Sugar
DIY cockroach management is made possible with this powerful solution. Mix baking soda with a pinch of sugar and place the mixture where cockroaches pass or enter through. Cockroaches get attracted to the sugar, and when they ingest the baking soda, they die instantly.
Call An American Roaches Control Company
Managing American cockroaches can be a harrowing ordeal, especially with massive infestation. Probably you have tried all you can to keep them away, but they keep coming back. If this is the case, hire a professional pest control company right away. With expert skills and tools, eliminating American roaches is easy as can be. A good roach control company will first assess your home to determine the extent of the infestation before proceeding with the extermination. Working with professionals is highly recommended to avoid recurring infestations.
All About Flying Roaches And How To Eliminate Them
August 18, 2021
Often, you will see cockroaches crawling on surfaces. But have you ever seen a cockroach fly? Not all cockroaches fly.…
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Often, you will see cockroaches crawling on surfaces. But have you ever seen a cockroach fly? Not all cockroaches fly. However, several species of roaches have wings specifically for safety and travel.
Do All Cockroaches Have Wings?
Several species of roaches have wings enabling them to fly. Wingless cockroaches usually crawl around in search of food. Wood cockroaches and smoky brown cockroaches have strong wings making them better flyers than the rest.
Why Do Cockroaches Fly?
Cockroaches fly when they feel threatened and need to move away fast. Roaches also use their wings much like gliders to move from higher to lower places. They also fly if the conditions encourage them to do so. Flying roaches love warm and moist areas and will fly and gather inside heating ducts, near heaters and around leaky air conditioners.
Types Of Roaches That Fly
Species of roaches that fly include smoky brown cockroach, Asian cockroach, Pennsylvania wood cockroach and Australian cockroach. The American cockroach is not a good flyer. But it can glide from a high place like the top of a cabinet down to a countertop.
For more help on identifying other types of roaches in your Adelaide or Gold Coast home, see our comprehensive guide – Types of Roaches & How to Identify Them.
Flying cockroaches get attracted to indoor lights like lamps and TV screens and can fly around the house. Probably you have not noticed them yet because they are nocturnal by nature.
Signs Of Flying Roaches Infestation
While it may be hard to spot roaches that fly as they are nocturnal, these signs are solid proof of infestation and are usually evident.
- A musty or mouldy odour.
- Dead roaches around the house.
- Tiny droppings that look similar to black pepper flakes or coffee grounds.
- Tan or brown oval egg casings beneath or behind furniture.
Problems Posed By Cockroach With Wings
- Food Contamination And Disease Transmission – Flying cockroaches carry and transmit bacteria that contaminate food, causing illness.
- Countertop Access – With their ability to fly, no countertop is too high for flying cockroaches. They can easily access countertops and contaminate the food and other edibles available there. Consuming food contaminated by roaches can lead to food poisoning and dysentery.
- Challenging To Manage – Flying cockroaches enter homes through open doors and windows. Thanks to their small, flat bodies, they can gain entry through siding, windowsills and frames as well. They can also fly behind cabinets or gaps under appliances, making it hard to control them by yourself.
- Allergic Reactions – Cockroach droppings and shed skins are potent allergens that can cause allergic reactions and even trigger asthma.
How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches Flying In Your Home
Now that you know how problematic cockroach with wings can be, you need to get rid of them as soon as you notice an infestation. First, take the time to discover their source, then move on to eliminate them. There are many ways to combat roaches, but the most important thing is to ensure that you use the safest and most effective strategy.
Flying Cockroach Traps And Baits
Baits and traps do a fantastic job when it comes to eliminating flying roaches. They function by attracting cockroaches then killing them instantly upon eating the bait. Cockroaches that feed on the bait not only die but also go on to contaminate the food and eggs of their counterparts. In turn, this breaks their breeding cycle, presenting a long-lasting solution to the infestation. Place the bait around fridges, washing machines and bathroom cabinets.
Flying Roaches Spray
Cockroach spray is an instant solution because it kills roaches in their tracks. Surface sprays offer long-term preventative control.
There are numerous sprays and powders you can use to repel cockroaches instead of killing them. Apply such repellants around entry points to keep out cockroaches that fly.
DIY Remedies To Eliminate Cockroach With Wings
Sugar And Baking Soda
Baking soda is a proven flying cockroach killer. Mix it with something sweet like honey or sugar and place the mixture where roaches breed or live. The sweet stuff will attract cockroaches with the baking soda leading to their death.
Sugar And Borax
Mix one part sugar and three parts borax. This mixture works the same way as commercial roach killers by dehydrating the exoskeleton of cockroaches. The combination works faster and is cheaper besides being eco-friendly and fume-free.
Essential Oils For Roaches That Fly
Essential oils present a chemical-free and natural way to manage flying cockroaches. Add citronella, tea tree, cypress and peppermint oils into the water in a spray bottle. Apply the concoction directly on cockroaches or their entry points and nests.
Call A Flying Roaches Exterminator
To properly deal with a cockroach infestation, get in touch with our expert Adelaide roach exterminators or Gold Coast roach exterminators.
9 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Bees Nests
August 18, 2021
We are all aware of the critical roles bees play in our ecosystem. However, having bees around your residential or…
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We are all aware of the critical roles bees play in our ecosystem. However, having bees around your residential or commercial property can be dangerous. Understanding how to get rid of bees nests is vital to any property owner. This article focuses on how to remove bees nest effectively from your home. But before indulging in that, let’s first look at why bees are important, then why it is necessary to remove them around your home.
Why Are Bees Important?
When most people think about bees in their homes, they do not feel positive about them. The first thing a person thinks is being stung. It is pretty understandable because no one likes being stung by a bee. Nevertheless, bees are essential in sustaining life on earth. They play a critical role in pollination, which is crucial in helping maintain our food production system. Other benefits of bees include:
- Economic sustainability.
- Improved biodiversity.
- Medicinal benefits from honey.
So, are bees important? Yes! Yet, there comes a time you need to be wary of them.
Why Should You Remove Bees Nest?
- Bee Stings – With bee nests near your home, the risk of bee stings increases for you, your family, and your pets. The stings can cause severe injuries or even death.
- Allergy To Bees – If you are or have a family member allergic to bees, learning how to remove a bee nest can save you from complications arising from a simple bee sting.
- Aggressive Bees – Bees usually become aggressive when protecting their nests. And also, if they do not get flowers to pollinate due to hot weather. It is, therefore, reasonable to look for ways to remove bees nest more effectively to avoid the aggression and injuries that may arise.
Now that we understand the importance of bees and the reasons to get rid of their nests, let’s now look at the most effective and simplest ways of removing bees nests from your home.
The Best Bee Hive Removal Techniques To Apply
There are various ways of removing bees nests. Some of them are natural, while others are artificial. Thus, before you pick a particular method, you need to be sure of the final results you want to attain. Consider if you’re going to kill the bees or want them to move away and relocate to another habitat away from your home. Here are the top methods you can apply:
1. Call A Bee Control Service
Professionals can handle bees safely and offer you long-lasting solutions. They can help remove bees nest without killing the inhabitants. With their vast knowledge of handling insects like bees, they can get rid of them from your residence and help them get a new dwelling. They do this by removing the honeycombs inside the beehive while ensuring that the queen bee is not agitated. The experts transfer the honeycombs to another hive away from your home with the queen safe inside. The other bees follow her to the new beehive automatically. The other great thing about working with a bee control service is that they use approved techniques and products to free your home from unwelcome bees.
2. Remove Bees Nest Using Spray
Spraying bees using the right products is another long-lasting solution to bee infestations in your home. When using sprays, you need to be aware that some kill bees, and you may not want this to happen due to their importance to the ecosystem. You can get many approved bee removal sprays to eliminate these insects without exterminating them. Sprays work effectively during the night. So, as you plan to get rid of bees nests, do so when it is dark. Use a red flashlight in the process because bees cannot see this colour.
When using a red flashlight, you can see the bees, but they will not see you. You get an excellent opportunity to spray them more competently. A good bee spray should chase them away within a few hours. Therefore, if you notice some bees the following day, consider respraying. Repeat the process until your home is free of bees. When using sprays to remove bees nest, you should:
- Read the instructions on the spray label. All sprays do not work the same way. As a result, make sure you get a bee spray adequate for your job.
- If you are not sure about the type of bees on your property, you do not just spray them. It is advisable to involve a bee control service to determine the type of bees and the best spray to apply.
3. Removing Bees Nest Using Powder
Applying bee powder on the bee nest can also help eliminate undesirable bees from your home. The powder works in the same way with sprays meaning some powders can kill bees, which may not be your intention. Always seek help from a bee control service to help determine the best powder to apply in the process. As you use the powder, make sure you wear gloves to avoid contaminating your hands. Wear a helmet too to help you approach the bee nest safely and avoid stings. Besides, wear long socks to prevent bee stings on uncovered body parts.
Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Bees
There are several techniques to remove bees naturally from your home. The great thing about using basic home remedies is that they do not have side effects on people or the environment. They offer the perfect solutions to bee problems on your property.
4. Get Rid Of Bees Nests Using Vinegar
Vinegar works as a brilliant bee repellant. Vinegar can help in getting bees away from your home totally with no side effects involved. It is simple to make and also use in the process. The other advantage of using vinegar is that it repels bees rather than killing them. Vinegar works effectively in removing bee nests because of its foul smell that keeps bees away. You can use vinegar as a bee repellant in two ways:
- Fill several water cans and put drops of vinegar into each of them. Place the water cans strategically near the bee nest. The foul smell keeps bees away from the nest, making them move away from your home.
- Mix an equal amount of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Then, spray the nest while wearing protective clothing as you approach it. Note that the spray makes it hard for bees to fly and, at times, may kill them.
5. Design A Bee Trap
You can trap bees by luring them into a container they can enter but never escape. Commercial traps are explicitly made to trap unwanted bees, but the method used in designing them can be replicated using easy-to-find items in your home. Create a bee trap with a narrow entry into an ample space. To attract bees inside the trap, add a sweet solution. You can use natural sugar, artificial nectar, or maple syrup mixed with water.
Bees get attracted and enter through the small hole, then get trapped since they cannot escape from the container. A two-liter bottle can work effectively as a DIY bee trap. Since your goal is to remove bees nest without killing the residents, you need to trap and set them free at another desirable location.
6. Remove Bees Nest Using Cucumbers
Cucumbers are also an effective home remedy to get rid of bees. Here is how to use them:
- Slice cucumbers into small circular shapes.
- Place them on an aluminium surface.
- Then put them in a strategic point near the bee nest.
The aluminium surface and chopped cucumbers react, producing a scent that helps keep bees away. You can also peel the cucumbers and place the peels on the window. Bees do not like the smell emitted, making them keep away from your home.
7. Peppermint
Planting peppermint around your home can keep bees away wholly. The scent emitted by peppermint is strong, making bees and other insects uncomfortable. Another great way is to buy peppermint oil and dip pieces of cotton wool in the oil. Then, place them at strategic areas in your home or around the nest to keep away bees.
8. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a versatile spice that works effectively in bee hive removal. It produces a stench that bees cannot withstand. If the nest has a cinnamon smell, they will move away and look for another place to stay. You can chase them away by sprinkling on or near the hive. As you sprinkle, wear protective equipment since some bees may attack you once they smell the unfriendly smell from cinnamon. It takes a few days to have bees eliminated from your home. Cinnamon helps remove bee nests naturally and without killing any bee.
9. Get Rid Of Bees Nests Using Garlic Spray
Garlic produces a spicy, pungent smell that bees dislike. So, you can use it in removing bees nests efficiently since you already have this spice in your kitchen.
- To create a strong repellant with garlic, you require two heads of garlic and half a cup of boiled water.
- Mince or crush it finely and put it in hot water.
- Give it a night for the mixture to seep.
- Strain the mixture into a spray bottle and throw the big garlic pieces.
- Spray the mixture on flowering plants to get rid of sources of food for bees. You can also spray directly to the hive while wearing protective clothing.
Protection And Precaution
When applying all the above techniques to get rid of bees nests, ensure you follow all protective measures. Bees can become aggressive instantly and attack you dangerously. Thus, it is advisable to wear protective clothing before you apply any method. Besides, as you deal with bees, only do so at night when they are sleeping. Better avoid confrontations that can lead to injuries through stings when you suddenly get attacked by an aggressive swarm of bees.
10 Things To Know About German Roaches
August 18, 2021
If pests infest your home, you have probably gotten bitten several times. We are used to bites from blood-hungry bugs…
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If pests infest your home, you have probably gotten bitten several times. We are used to bites from blood-hungry bugs like mosquitoes and bed bugs. But do palmetto bugs bite or other types of cockroaches, for that matter? Cockroaches do bite but rarely. And they do so not to feed on blood. Instead, they bite as they eat the dead skin or food crumbs on our bodies. German cockroaches are biters you need to beware of because their bites cause discomfort. Before discussing German roaches bites, here are some tips on how to recognise them.
How To Identify German Cockroaches
Adult German roaches are light brown with two black horizontal stripes behind their head. Nymphs are darker than adults but still have black lines at the back of the head. Adults grow as much as 13 to 16 mm long. They have wings too, but they seldom fly. Mostly, you will find them crawling or running. Identifying their presence is as easy as noticing droppings, egg capsules, and a musty smell.
German Roach Bite In Detail
German cockroaches are omnivores since they eat both plant and animal matter. They bite when nibbling on fingernails, eyelashes, or the dead skin on your hands or feet. The bite can lead to swelling, irritation, lesion, and minor infection. Here are more details about their bites and how to stay safe from harm.
The Roaches Bite During The Night
German cockroaches are nocturnal by nature. They come out of hiding at night searching for food and water because they are cautious of people. Since they attack at night while you are sound asleep, monitoring them can be challenging. In case you get bitten, you will recognise the bite when you wake up feeling pain.
German Roach Bite Certain Areas
Like bed bugs, German roaches typically target specific parts of the body. Therefore, be mindful of your mouth and hands, essentially the body parts used for eating. Leaving food crumbs on such areas is a major attractant for hungry roaches. Before going to bed, it is advisable to wash the mentioned body parts to keep German cockroaches away for a good night’s sleep.
Cockroach Bites Are Unique From Other Pest Bites
A German roach bite is quite different from that of other pests. You can tell a roach has bitten you if you catch it on the act or while it is scampering away. But this can be hard since they do so as you sleep. To know what bit you, check the bite. A cockroach bite is bigger than that of other insects such as bed bugs. It is also bright red and comes with swelling and itchiness. The bite worsens when infected, swelling up more and filling up with pus.
German Roaches Bites Are Powerful
Despite being small, the bite is powerful. It is five times stronger than a human’s and has a force 50 times stronger than the cockroach’s body weight. You may not feel a thing while a German cockroach bites you, but you will experience a painful sensation afterward. Your body’s tolerance level determines the amount of pain you feel. If your body has low tolerance, then the bite may be excruciating. The discomfort felt lasts for a short time and even fades away faster if promptly and adequately treated.
The Bite Can Cause Allergic Reactions
Cockroach bites can trigger allergic reactions and asthma symptoms. The bite itself is not toxic, but the biter could be carrying allergens that lead to the problem. Bites from German cockroaches commonly cause skin reactions, mainly swelling and itchiness, that last for a few days.
Do Not Scratch A Roach Bite
The first thing a person does when they get bitten by an insect is scratching the affected area. That may not be a good idea when bitten by a German cockroach. While it may be itchy, scratching makes the situation worse. Instead, wash the bite spot with water and soap to clean off germs because German roaches carry bacteria and allergens. If swelling occurs, apply ice instantly to reduce inflammation and relieve irritation. Alcohol application on the bite is another excellent option to prevent swelling.
German Cockroach Rarely Bites
Biting is not a hobby of German roaches. They only bite when under threat and when nibbling at food residue on a part of your body. Though the bites are rare, you should avoid them because German cockroaches are known disease spreaders. And you do not want to experience the discomfort brought about by a bite.
A Bite From A Roach Can Be A Sign Of A Major Infestation
Once you get bitten by a roach, know that your home could be heavily infested. When desperately looking for food and water for survival, cockroaches invade all manner of places. If you have food residue on any part of your body, they will target you. On experiencing a cockroach bite, plan to perform prompt and thorough extermination.
German Roaches Bites Are Not Venomous
Most people fear a German cockroach bite thinking it is fatal or leads to severe injury or impairment. But this is never the case. The bite is not poisonous. However, it causes swelling and an itchy feeling.
The Bite Is Treatable At Home
The good news is that you can treat a German roach bite without having to go to the hospital. Some of the home remedies suitable for treatment include lemon juice, tea bags, and aloe Vera. These remedies work by soothing the bitten area, hence reducing swelling and itchiness.
Bottom Line
There you have it – the most important things to know about German cockroach bites. Now that you are aware that German cockroaches can bite, be vigilant to ensure they do not infest your home. The best action to take going forward is working closely with a pest control service to free your home from these creepy, annoying creatures. Professionals understand how to effectively deal with all kinds of insect infestations no matter the size, and German roaches are no exception.
Can Mice Carry Diseases That Affect Humans?
August 18, 2021
Rats and mice are the most common household pests. These rodents invade homes looking for food or a nice place…
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Rats and mice are the most common household pests. These rodents invade homes looking for food or a nice place to inhabit. There is much concern about the embarrassment and damages these furry pests are famous for, but you should be more worried about the health problems caused by mice infestation and the rats infesting your home. Mice and rats are linked to over 35 diseases. The diseases are transmitted to humans by directly handling a rat or mouse (dead or alive), touching their urine or faeces, or getting bitten by them. Additionally, transmission happens through other pests like mites, fleas, and ticks that feed on infected rodents.
What Diseases Do Mice Carry?
Below are the most common diseases mice carry as well as rats:
1. Hantavirus
Hantavirus is a group of viruses that causes diseases of the blood, kidney, and respiratory system. Rats and white-footed mice commonly cause it. You can get infected by the virus by contacting the urine, nesting materials, and fresh droppings of a rat or mouse. Getting bitten may also expose you to this harmful virus.
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms associated with Hantavirus show up within two to five weeks after getting exposed to the saliva, faeces, and urine of infected rodents. If not checked and treated, the problem can escalate to the fatal Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. Some early signs of Hantavirus infection include fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and painful back, thighs, and hips. Also, watch out for abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhoea. Late symptoms of the infection are shortness of breath, coughing, and severe respiratory distress.
2. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM)
Another disease caused by rats and mice is Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM), resulting from the Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV). If you have a pet rat or mouse, you are more likely to get ill from this virus. Transmission occurs when you get exposed to the saliva, fresh urine, nesting materials, and droppings of an infected rodent through touch or inhalation. A bite also increases your risk of exposure to the virus. More infections are reported during the cold months when rodents seek refuge in homes.
Signs and Symptoms
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis features two phases. The first phase is marked by symptoms like loss of appetite, malaise, fever, vomiting, headache, nausea, and muscle aches. Other symptoms include chest pain, sore throat, salivary gland pain, testicular pain, joint pain, and coughing. The second phase is characterised by more severe symptoms such as inflammation of the meninges and brain, sensory disturbances, confusion, stiff neck, extreme fever, and motor abnormalities. Worth noting is that if a pregnant woman gets infected, they can transmit the disease to the foetus.
3. Plague
Plague is the most prevalent disease caused by mice and rats. It is instigated by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. You can get the disease by handling an infected rat or mouse or from a flea bite. A bite from a plague-infected flea is the primary cause of plague in humans. Therefore, watch your cat or dog as they can bring disease-ridden fleas into your house.
Signs and Symptoms
- Bubonic Plague – Common symptoms include chills and headaches. Buboes (tender, inflamed, and painful lymph nodes) also appear near the area where the bacteria entered your body. These signs manifest three to seven days after exposure. Bubonic plague transmission is caused by contacting infected rodent fluid or tissue.
- Septicemic Plague – Septicemic plague occurs as the first sign of plague or due to untreated bubonic plague. It is characterised by extreme weakness, chills, fever, septic shock, and abdominal pain.
- Pneumonic Plague – Symptoms include fever, weakness, headache, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Pneumonic plague is the most common and dangerous type of plague as it can cause respiratory shock or failure. Moreover, it can be transmitted from person to person by inhaling respiratory droplets containing bacteria.
4. Rat-Bite Fever
Rat-bite fever is a disease caused by bacteria transmitted by rodents. You can get infected when scratched or bitten by a rat or mouse. Most bites result in infection, so you need to be vigilant. Symptoms include muscle pain, vomiting, fever, joint swelling, rash, and headache.
5. Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is triggered by bacteria known as Leptospira carried by several rodents and passed to humans through infected urine. Water and soil that have been urinated on are the primary causes of infection. Signs of Leptospirosis include muscle aches, chills, high fever, abdominal pain, red eyes, vomiting, jaundice, and headache.
6. Monkeypox
Monkeypox is another virus mice and rats carry. You get infected with the virus if bitten or when you handle the body fluids of these pests. Note that the virus can also be transmitted from person to person through breathing in respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing. Symptoms take between seven to fourteen days to show. Initial signs include backache, fever, chills, muscle aches, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes.
Mice And Rat Faeces Dangers
Accumulation of rat and mice faeces in your residence can lead to contamination of food and the spread of disease-causing bacteria. When rodent faeces dry up, they crumble easily, forming airborne dust. Inhaling the dust is hazardous as it causes allergic reactions. Besides, the faeces contain viruses that may result in illness.
How To Prevent Diseases From Rats And Mice
The best way to stay safe and healthy is by ensuring that your home is free of disease-bearing rodents. And here is what you can do to achieve that:
- Seal All Potential Entryways – Check your home for cracks and holes that act as possible entry points for mice and rats. Seal small holes and repair the large ones to prevent such rodents from coming inside.
- Trap Rats and Mice – Trapping is an effective solution to rat and mice infestation. With strategic placement, a baited trap will successfully catch the rodents giving you a hard time. Contact a mice control service for specific rodent trapping techniques.
- Clean and Disinfect your Home – Always keep your home spotless and sanitised to eliminate contaminants left behind by rats and mice, including urine, faeces, and nests. These contaminants carry viruses and bacteria that could cause health problems.
Why Do Termites Eat Wood?
August 18, 2021
Termites are dreaded by property owners everywhere because of the extensive damage they are known to cause. They are tiny,…
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Termites are dreaded by property owners everywhere because of the extensive damage they are known to cause. They are tiny, but there is power in numbers. A termite colony may contain tens of thousands to millions of termites. With such a vast population, it is easy to see why termites are the most destructive pests. Termites cause massive damage to property since they live in and feed on wood, and most buildings happen to have a wooden element either in household items or construction materials.
Why Wood Attracts Termites
- Source of Nourishment – Termites eat wood as it is their primary source of food. Wood contains cellulose that termites are fond of eating. Cellulose is found not only in wood but also in grass, hummus, leaves, vegetative materials, and herbivores’ manure. Wood-eating termites eat anything wooden, from pieces of furniture to structures in your home. By devouring wood, termites can flourish at the expense of your property.
- Wood is More Habitable – Termites love wood because it is habitable, making for a great nesting place. The more termite eggs hatch, the more worker termites burrow deeper into the wood to expand the habitat for the growing colony. The burrowing secretly takes place. Therefore, the resultant damage may be more devastating than you think. Keep in mind that not all termites prefer the same type of wood. Different species have different preferences.
Termite Wood Preferences
1. Subterranean Termites
Subterranean termites prefer eating softwood leaving the more complex parts behind. They usually stay underground and depend on the soil for moisture. As they move out searching for food, they maintain a connection to the soil by making mud tubes.
2. Drywood Termites
Drywood termites eat dry wood. You will find them feeding on wood found in manufactured items such as furniture, flooring, and framing. However, they may be hard to detect because they eat wooden materials from the inside out.
3. Dampwood Termites
Dampwood termites look for moist, decaying wood, preferably rotting logs, tree stumps, and woodpiles. They invade buildings with moisture-associated damage.
Signs Of Termite Infestation
- Blisters in Wood Flooring – Blisters indicate feeding by termites beneath or within the flooring. The same goes for window trims and door frames. Subterranean termites cause damage that makes wooden structures seem to have water damage.
- Damaged or Hollowed Wood – Wood damage on surfaces such as floors, walls, and ceilings indicates an infestation. The damage is caused by termites when chewing on wood as they look for cellulose. A hollow sound or honeycomb interior characterises damaged wood.
- Mud Tubes – These are pencil-sized tubes created by subterranean termites that live underground and move up structures looking for food. Subterranean termites require favourable levels of humidity and temperature to survive. And that is why they make mud tubes. The tubes also protect them from predators.
- Drywood Termite Droppings – Drywood termites live inside wood, where they form colonies. They like keeping their place clean, thereby making kick-out holes to get rid of their excrement. Therefore, if you find small mounds of pellets resembling coffee grounds or sawdust, it indicates a drywood termite infestation.
Getting Rid Of Termites
Signs of termites eating wood in your home may not be that evident. Termite damage may go unnoticed for a long time. You may only notice the damage when it is already severe. That is why it is advisable to be proactive against termite infestation. Hire a qualified termite controller or take the necessary DIY measures to keep these dangerous critters away from your property. When it comes to dealing with termites, prevention is always better than cure.