Things To Know About The King Termite
August 18, 2021
Termites live in colonies that are organised into castes. The castes are classified into three types of termites – soldiers,…
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Termites live in colonies that are organised into castes. The castes are classified into three types of termites – soldiers, workers, and alates. Here we focus on the alates (reproductive termites) where termite kings fall.
What Is A Termite King?
Compared to worker and soldier termites, king termites are larger in size, growing up to one inch long. They are valuable personalities in a termite colony next to the queen. Together with the queen, the king plays the reproductive role. The king and queen spend most of their lives underground, meaning it is hard for you to see them since they do not move around with the other termites.
Constant reproduction ensures the continuity of a colony. Therefore, the termite king keeps mating with the queen to produce alates, workers, and soldiers. Alates or swarmers are mature male and female termites that leave the nest to form new colonies elsewhere. Workers and soldiers are immature termites, with their primary roles being taking care of the colony and defending the colony, respectively. Termite kings are darker in colour than other termites in a colony. Also, worth noting is that only the king termite and the queen have eyes. Other termites are blind and use scent and moisture to navigate.
Roles Of A Termite King
Besides reproduction, king termites play other crucial roles in a termite colony. When they develop wings, they take part in the social swirl commonly known as swarming. After losing the wings, they look for females to mate, signalling the commencement of a new colony.
1. Establish A Termite Colony
The king and queen usually search for the right place to establish their colony. A preferable place for them is a moistened cavity in wood. On finding a nest, they build an enclosure to prevent disturbance and then start mating. The king termite hangs around the queen because he has to supply sperm to her regularly.
During the initial years, the termite king helps maintain the nest, while the queen produces the soldiers and workers. The queen then distributes nest maintenance and other works to other termites in the colony. Workers and soldiers act as caretakers and housekeepers. They bring food and defend the nest to keep the king and queen alive.
2. Activation Of Pheromones
Pheromones are chemical hormones that prevent other termites in a colony from being reproductive. The king termite releases this chemical hormone to maintain the colony’s social status. Both the king and the queen work together to maintain balance in their colony.
3. Keep The Colony Alive
The termite king supplies sperm to the queen for egg fertilisation. Without the king, the colony will not be functional and ultimately end since the queen cannot reproduce alone.
How Do King Termites Develop?
King termites come from swarmers – the potential queens and kings of new colonies. When a termite colony reaches a specific size, swarmers begin being produced, a process that may take three to five years. Swarmers, also referred to as alates, are termites with wings and are capable of flying. They have compound eyes which help them see during nuptial flights and are larger and darker than the workers and soldiers. A termite nuptial flight is when termites mate to produce babies.
A single termite colony can produce many swarmers that stay in the colony until the right time comes to leave. Swarmers are not the best flyers. Some break their wings as they struggle to fly. De-winged swarmers cannot fly as they look for the right place to start a new termite colony. A male swarmer will follow a female swarmer until she finds a suitable place for nesting where they start mating. On forming a new colony, the males become termite kings.
Is The King Termite Harmful?
The termite king lives a well-protected life underground. Its primary roles are to mate with the queen and to release pheromones. Since termite kings do not move out of the nest, they do not directly harm humans. But the fact that they contribute to producing other harmful termites means they cannot be considered harmless.
Do Termite Kings Have Wings?
Three forms of castes are found in a colony. The reproductive caste is comprised of winged or flying termites, also known as alates or swarmers. King termites eventually lose their wings when they move from one colony to another. Once termites develop wings, they fly away, find mates, and begin reproducing their own colonies in which they become kings and queens.
What Is The Size Of A King Termite?
Swarmer termites are around three-eighths of an inch in length. However, they continue to grow when they lose wings, with the king termite growing as much as half an inch long.
Why Do Termite Kings Produce Pheromones?
Every termite can become a queen or king. But if all of them do so, there will be chaos in the colony. A king termite, therefore, produces pheromones for termite regulation and chaos prevention. The chemical hormone ensures that the other termites in the colony do not become reproductive.
What Is The Average Termite King Lifespan?
The lifespan of king termites varies from one species to the other. An average soldier or worker can live for ten to fourteen months. A termite king can live for a period of one to four years. The queen has the longest lifespan, going up to twenty-five years and more.
Where Are You Likely To Find A King Termite?
Termites are a common sight in areas with trees, open land, and big gardens. Such features offer sufficient food and nesting places for termites. Termites also like inhabiting older structures with deteriorating timber. Rotting timber has the ideal moisture levels for termites to thrive. The perfect termite habitat is also warm.
What you are likely to see when checking out a termite colony are the workers and soldiers. The king termite is always hidden underground together with the queen. Essentially, no termite colony can exist without the king and queen. And as long as the king and queen are alive, the colony will keep expanding. An even more serious situation is finding de-winged termites that become kings and queens. It indicates new colonies are about to spring up, leading to more termite infestation in your home.
How To Eliminate King Termites
As mentioned above, it is hard to spot a termite king as it always hides underground with the queen. Anyway, it is evident that with other termites around, there is a king termite somewhere. Hence, to get rid of the king and queen entirely, you have to destroy their colony. Here are the steps to follow:
1. Identify The Termite Colony
To kill the king termite, you should find the colony it belongs to first. Check for rotten wood, especially where wood touches the ground. Mud tubes along foundations, joists, and walls will also direct you to the nesting place of termites. Drywood termites do not construct mud tunnels, though. They prefer to nest in dry wooden materials. Therefore, check for small digested wood pellets they leave behind when eating their way through the wood.
2. Apply Direct Chemicals
Direct chemicals can be applied inside your house for termite extermination. They are simple to use and highly effective when applied where a termite colony is located. Most of the approved chemicals are odourless. These chemicals work by expanding and then evaporating, leaving a residue that kills termites when they contact it. Applying the chemical directly to the colony kills all the termites, including the termite king and queen.
3. Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial nematodes are microscopic roundworms. They are natural parasites to most garden insects, including termites. Nematodes kill termites by entering their bodies and releasing symbiotic gut bacteria that poisons their blood, killing them within a few days. You can buy nematodes in local stores or online. Mix them with cold water and potting soil, then apply the mixture to the termite colony.
4. Boric Acid
Boric acid application is a proven method for killing all the termites in a colony. Most, if not all, termite insecticides contain boric acid as one of the main ingredients. The acid dehydrates, subsequently shutting down the nervous system of termites. It is so effective that it can destroy an entire termite colony within a day or two. Apply it strategically in cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and ceilings.
5. Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth destroys termites by penetrating their exoskeleton and dehydrating them. It is a type of powder made from the sedimented fossils of aquatic algae known as diatoms. Sprinkle the powder around the termite colony and deeper to reach the termite king.
6. Contact An Expert
It is recommended to work with an expert termite exterminator for solid results. Termite colonies are challenging to eliminate, making it necessary to seek professional help. Termite control professionals have the skills and tools required for immediate and complete termite removal. Entrust them with the task of eradicating the termites slowly wreaking havoc on your property.
What Do Termites Do To Humans?
August 18, 2021
Termites are one of the most notorious pests that infest homes. A severe infestation by termites can cause plenty of…
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Termites are one of the most notorious pests that infest homes. A severe infestation by termites can cause plenty of damage to your property. Besides damaging structures, termites are dangerous to humans as they can bite. Let us delve deeper into what termites are capable of doing to humans.
Are Termites Dangerous?
Yes, they are! Therefore, it is good to have a look at how termites can affect you. While termites may not be as harmful to humans as other pests such as spiders, bees, and wasps, they bite. Their reason for biting humans or attacking other insects is to defend themselves. Naturally, termites are herbivores and not aggressive to humans unless disturbed or handled. Unlike most other pests like mosquitoes, bed bugs, and fleas, termites are not interested in human blood or flesh as their primary source of food is wood.
Which Termites Bite Humans?
Soldier termites are the ones that bite humans. Like soldier ants, the crucial role of soldier termites is protecting their colonies. They are not involved in reproduction and food collection. Soldier termites only attack when provoked. And this is when they can bite you. These termites are characterised by more giant heads and mandibles that they use in defence. The mandibles are strong enough to cause severe pain to humans when bitten. The pain from the bite is more severe in thin-skinned areas like the fingers. A soldier termite will bite you if you threaten it or the colony it is guarding.
What Do Termite Bites Look And Feel Like?
A powerful termite bite can cause a red, sore spot on human skin. Anyway, the bite does not have much effect other than minor skin irritation. Since the bite is not poisonous, it is not toxic to your body. Termites have saliva that helps them eat wood. That saliva is what causes irritation or skin rash from being bitten. Note that a termite bite may look similar to the bites of other insects. But you can differentiate it from the rest. If the bite mark lasts for more than a day or worsens with time, that is not a termite that bit you.
Do Flying Termites Bite?
Flying termites are serious trouble. They signal the beginning of a new termite colony. If you spot a swarm of flying termites inside or around your home, it should be a warning sign of either an existing termite problem or a potential termite infestation. Luckily, since none of the flying termites is a soldier termite, the chances of being bitten are zero, and even if they bite, you feel less pain due to their small mandibles. Better yet, flying termites cause no damage. It is their offspring that wreak havoc. Nevertheless, be worried about their presence in your residence because they signal termite invasion.
Do Termites Cause Health Problems?
Though termites can bite, the resultant wounds are not that serious. Termites are not venomous, nor do they spread diseases. However, if termites infest your home, you may suffer from asthma attacks and allergic reactions. Some people are usually allergic to termite droppings and saliva.
Bottom Line
Considering the massive damage termites may cause to your home, not forgetting their bites, always strive to keep your home free of these pests. One simple measure you can take is getting rid of damaged timber on your property, preventing termites. Having a proper plan for eradicating current infestation and preventing future invasion is the right way to go. To be successful in this, make sure to work with a professional termite control company in your locality.
What Does Termite Frass Look Like?
August 18, 2021
Termites do poop and their faeces are also known as frass or pellets. Termites create tiny holes in wooden materials…
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Termites do poop and their faeces are also known as frass or pellets. Termites create tiny holes in wooden materials to dump their excrement, which helps keep their nesting place less congested and free of droppings. Finding termite frass anywhere in your home is a sign of termite infestation, which calls for immediate detection and elimination of the termites. Failure to do so often results in costly property damage. But what does termite poop look like? Worry not if you have never seen termite poop images before. Read on to learn more about the frass termites leave behind.
Areas You Are Likely To Find Termite Excrement
There are a couple of areas where termite droppings are usually concentrated, including:
- On the floor
- Inside cracks in walls
- On the bed
- Under the carpet
- On wooden frames and sills
What Do Termite Droppings Look Like?
The look of termite poop depends on the termite species infesting your home. Common household termite species include subterranean, dampwood, and drywood. Generally, all termite feces are small, measuring about 0.04 inches long. They are light beige to black, depending on the kind of wood the termites eat. Additionally, termite excrement is oval-shaped with six concave sides. Termite excreta usually forms tiny mounds that look like small piles of dirt or sawdust.
1. Termite Droppings Vs. Ant Droppings
While the feces of both ants and termites may look similar, you can differentiate them by the pooping behaviour of the insects. Ants typically leave their droppings at the entry of their nests, while termites scatter their feces all over the place. Ant poop is also bigger and bulkier than that of a termite and contains insect remains of either dead ants or the insects that ants eat. Termite droppings are finer, resembling sand.
2. Termite Frass Vs. Sawdust
At first sight, it can prove challenging to differentiate between termite feces and sawdust. Although the two look pretty similar, they are distinct in shape. Termite frass is hexagonal with a more granular appearance. On the other hand, sawdust looks like small wood shavings and features shiny slivers that termite stool does not have.
How Dangerous Are Termite Droppings?
Termite excrement is not toxic and does not cause diseases. After all, termites only consume natural substances. Therefore, there is no need to worry about your family’s and pets’ health being adversely affected by termite stool. But since the droppings are like sawdust, you may suffer from skin irritation when you touch them. If you have asthma or any other respiratory issue, avoid termite dust piles or termite wood shavings as they can worsen your condition. Either remove the feces or debris yourself while wearing protective gear or hire an expert to safely get rid of them.
How To Differentiate The Frass Of Different Termite Species
1. Drywood Termite Frass
Finding piles of pellets in your house indicates a drywood termite infestation. Drywood termites are tricky to detect because they only leave a few signs. On creating their nesting place in wooden material, they close the entrance and never exit. Only swarmers get to leave to establish new termite colonies. Wood provides ideal living conditions for drywood termites, including ready food and favourable temperature. The only problem is unlimited space. Therefore, drywood termites puncture holes through the wood to push their droppings out. Drywood termite poop is tiny and oval-shaped. It measures about a millimetre long and is deposited in mounds that look like small piles of ground peppers. Drywood termite feces may differ in colour depending on the type of wood the termites ate.
2. Subterranean Termite Frass
Subterranean termites do not leave behind visible feces. They produce a more liquid form of frass, unlike that of drywood termites which is dry, that they mix with saliva and other debris to construct mud tunnels. Hence, it becomes challenging to differentiate their poop from their nest. Subterranean termites build tunnels to facilitate travel and protect themselves from predators and dry air. Check for wormlike mud tunnels running up a wall or the foundation.
How To Determine If Termite Droppings Are Old Or Fresh
Unfortunately, there is no way to determine whether termite frass is old or new. Finding termite droppings that seem old does not mean the termites have moved away. Such feces are those that termites have pushed out of their nest during cleaning, meaning there is still a termite infestation in your home.
Other Termite Residues To Examine
Dropped termite wings are another indicator of termite infestation besides termite poop. Adult reproductive termites, commonly referred to as swarmers, develop wings that they shed afterwards. Swarmers fly away from the nest and shed their wings when they arrive at their intended destination. If their destination is your home, you will find fallen wings. The wings are tiny, but you can quickly identify them, especially if there is a significant infestation. Look for them on window sills, hardwood floors, and spider webs that may be in your house.
How To Remove Termite Excrement
Removing termite droppings from your house should be an easy task. Since the faeces are usually dry, you can either sweep or vacuum them up. But this only applies to drywood termite frass. Subterranean termite excrement is used to build mud tunnels. Therefore, make sure you destroy and discard the tunnels. Note that removing termite frass is not the ultimate solution to termite invasion. Completely getting rid of the termites on your property is. Given the challenges involved in eliminating termites, it is advisable to enlist the services of a professional termite controller for the inspection, detection, eradication, and prevention of termite infestation. Once the termite colony gets eradicated, you will no longer find termite faeces in your home.
For help with termites as well as any other pests, get in touch with Pest Aid Adelaide or Pest Aid Gold Coast. Book an inspection online or call us on 139 007 to discuss.
Can Cockroaches Live Without Their Head?
August 18, 2021
Cockroaches are common pests in homes. They are believed to be older than dinosaurs, and they have been able to…
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Cockroaches are common pests in homes. They are believed to be older than dinosaurs, and they have been able to be around for that long because they are born survivors. According to scientists, roaches can even survive a nuclear war, with their excellent survival skills setting them apart from other household pests. So, do not be shocked to see a cockroach doing the rounds in your house while entirely headless.
How Is It Possible For Cockroaches To Live Having No Head?
Unlike humans, roaches can do just fine without a head. The main reason is decapitation in humans leads to massive blood loss, subsequently causing low blood pressure, which immensely affects the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to critical tissues. In addition, humans breathe through the nose and sometimes the mouth. So, with decapitation, breathing stops. Humans also cannot eat without the head. And without the brain, vital body functions collapse, resulting in death. How then are headless cockroaches able to survive?
1. Unique Circulatory System
Cockroaches have a different circulatory system from humans. For blood to move around our bodies, tremendous pressure is needed. The cockroach vascular system is less extensive and does not have tiny capillaries, which requires very little pressure. When the head of a roach is severed, the neck seals off by clotting, preventing uncontrolled bleeding.
2. Breath Through Spiracles
Roaches breathe through openings along the body called spiracles, not through the nose and occasionally the mouth like we do. Also, their brain does not play any role in breathing, and their blood does not transport oxygen throughout the body. Instead, the spiracles supply the tissues with air through tubes known as the trachea.
3. Cold-Blooded Animals
Cockroaches are cold-blooded, which also helps in their survival when beheaded. Being cold-blooded means roaches never use the energy acquired from food to heat their bodies. Therefore, they can survive with less food compared to humans. Cockroaches can go for many weeks on a single meal. As long as there are no predators, roaches can live for a while without a head.
4. Active Nervous System
Roaches have clumps of ganglia (nerve tissues) distributed throughout each of their body segments. The clumps can perform all the primary nervous functions necessary for reflexes. So, even without the brain, the body can still function normally, with the roach able to stand, move around, and react to touch.
Can A Cockroach Head Survive Separate From The Body?
It is not just the roach’s body that survives after beheading. The head can also function on its own. You will see the antennae waving back and forth for several hours until the head gets out of steam. If well refrigerated and nourished, the head can live longer than the body when separated.
Do Cockroaches Even Need A Head If They Can Survive Headless?
If they can survive without it, why then have it in the first place? It is good to know that the body gives a lot of sensory information to the head. And the brain cannot function optimally if it does not get these inputs. Therefore, the entire body has to remain intact. When a cockroach’s head is cut off, it also means the noggin glands in the head are cut off from the rest of the body. These glands are crucial in a roach’s life because they control maturation. Without the glands, the development of a roach is severely affected.
How Long Can A Cockroach Live Without Its Head?
There is no specific survival period as several factors determine how long a beheaded cockroach can survive. A roach with no head can live for several days up to weeks as long as normal bodily functions are maintained. However, the cockroach will eventually die after some time due to starvation.
Why Do Roaches Come Out At Night?
August 18, 2021
The sight of cockroaches around your house is never good news. A home invasion by these problematic pests is terrible…
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The sight of cockroaches around your house is never good news. A home invasion by these problematic pests is terrible for both people and property. Roaches can spread diseases, damage fabric, and even destroy electronics. Worse, they can do all that without being detected. Cockroaches are nocturnal by nature, meaning they come out at night when most humans are sound asleep looking for food and mating opportunities. During the day, they hide in their nests. Seeing a cockroach in the daytime is a sign of significant infestation. You should therefore contact a pest control company to help eliminate them. Applying DIY methods can help up to a certain point where things go out of hand.
What Do Roaches Like?
Cockroaches like warm, moist environments as they are suitable for breeding and multiplying. Besides the warmth and moisture, they love to forage for food at night-time under cover of darkness as it is safer. Naturally nocturnal, roaches come out at night to mate as well.
Do Cockroaches Like Light Or Dark?
Contrary to what many people believe, cockroaches never run away from the light because they fear it. They do not get intimidated by natural or artificial light. It is just that they like hiding in dark environments to avoid predators. And also the fact that they are nocturnal insects. But cockroach species that live in the wild are known to be active where there is light. Sometimes, even household roaches can be spotted moving towards TV screens at night.
Cockroaches are good learners too. They are so smart to know that with the flick of a switch, they have been discovered. Once you turn on the lights, all roaches will immediately scamper away into their hiding places to avoid being spotted. They have evolved to be swift runners, enabling them to escape human and predator attacks quickly. That is why they can survive longer than most other pests that invade homes.
When Do Cockroaches Sleep?
You would expect cockroaches to be night sleepers just like humans. But these insects are nocturnal. So, when do they take a much-needed rest? You need to know that roaches have a circadian rhythm, a sleep-wake cycle alternating between inactive/asleep and active/wakeful periods. When awake, roaches actively look for mates, water, and food. Most are active in the first hours of the night when the lights are off. A few hours are enough for them to mate and feed. However, if there is a massive cockroach infestation in your home, they may spend more hours searching for food. Finding cockroaches in the morning hours signals heavy infestation.
Roaches have three states of activity. Locomotion, which occurs at night whereby cockroaches engage in all manner of activities, is the first and most active state. In this state, cockroaches run or fly to escape from danger. The second state involves the movement of limbs and antennae, but the roach remains immobile and inactive. The third state is characterised by complete immobility, with the cockroach not moving at all. And this is the state that is likened to sleep in humans. During the day, cockroaches are either in the second or third state.
Can Cockroaches Harm You During The Night?
Roaches seem harmless, but this is never the case. Therefore, be wary if they infest your home. These filthy pests are disease carriers and spreaders. You can get sick when exposed to them. They can cause cholera and leprosy, among other illnesses. People living in homes with a cockroach infestation are highly susceptible to asthma and other allergic issues. Sometimes cockroaches infest air vents, making things far worse, especially if you have respiratory problems. Before you go to sleep, make sure you clean your face and hands to remove any crumbs because cockroaches like the German roach can bite as they feed on the free food.
Signs Cockroaches Are In Your House
Spotting cockroaches can be challenging because they are primarily active at night when you are probably asleep. But there are some signs they leave behind that indicate their presence. These include droppings that resemble specks of black pepper or coffee grounds and brown, oblong, almost translucent egg casings. Roaches also like inhabiting warm, humid areas like the bathroom, kitchen, basement, and laundry. They live and breed in such places, and there is where you are likely going to find them.
How To Keep Roaches Away From Your Home
Seeing one or two roaches moving around your house during the day indicates a cockroach infestation. There could be many other cockroaches in hiding waiting to come out when it is dark. Cockroaches breed rapidly, and you can find their eggs scattered all over your house. If not dealt with promptly and effectively, roaches can overrun your home within a short time. Take the measures below to avoid such a scenario.
- Reduce litter and get rid of potential water and food sources. Do not leave scraps in the open, fix any water leaks, and keep wet items off the floor.
- Check for potential entry and hiding spots and seal them off or apply an insecticide. Some of the places to caulk include cracks in walls and gaps around sinks.
- Improve the sanitation in and around your home. Clean all drawers, counters, and floors and clear any dirt outdoors.
- Vacuum your entire house regularly to get rid of cockroach eggs.
- Dry all the moist areas like under sinks and around drains. And use a dehumidifier to remove indoor moisture.
Suppose cockroaches already infest your home, schedule professional extermination. A cockroach control expert can help out in detecting and eliminating roaches. They are well trained and equipped to ensure the cockroach problem in your home is a thing of the past.
Learn About The Lifespan Of A Cockroach
August 18, 2021
People deal with household pests every year, with cockroaches being the most common. The first step towards controlling and eliminating…
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People deal with household pests every year, with cockroaches being the most common. The first step towards controlling and eliminating cockroach infestation is knowing more about cockroach lifespan. Understanding cockroaches can help you deal with them promptly and entirely.
Where Did Cockroaches Come From?
It is estimated that cockroaches were among the first insects on earth. Fossil studies have revealed that roaches originated in North America almost 350 million years ago before they acquainted themselves with Eurasia and later on moved to other regions worldwide, having to adapt to colder climates. Cockroaches have evolved together with humans and are more predominant in tropical areas but can live anywhere humans are. They have survived for millions of years due to their ability to reproduce rapidly and withstand long periods of hardship.
How Fast Is A Cockroach?
Cockroaches are the fastest insects on earth and can dart quicker than an eyeblink. At full speed, roaches can cover fifty body lengths in a second. For larger animals, that can be equated to a speed of 200 miles per hour. The reason why cockroaches run fast is their legs. They have six legs, each with three knees. Thus, they have eighteen knees altogether. Therefore, their movement is precise thanks to the many joints, with little wasted movements that can slow them down. The legs also feature tiny hairs that are sensitive to even the smallest of movements, enabling cockroaches to react fast and can even detect when you enter the room they are occupying.
The Lifecycle Of Cockroaches
Understanding the lifecycle of a cockroach goes a long way toward helping get rid of these pests entirely. All species of roaches undergo three life stages – egg, nymph, and adult.
Egg Stage
A female roach can lay from ten to fifty eggs at one go. Cockroaches make nests and lay their eggs in moist, warm, dark, tight spaces. They ensure that the eggs are highly protected and in a conducive environment. Typically, it takes one to two months for the eggs to hatch. However, depending on the species, the eggs can hatch slower or faster than that. With their high level of reproduction, roaches can be challenging to control. Therefore, early discovery of a cockroach infestation is essential in controlling its spread.
Nymph Stage (Baby Cockroach)
Once the eggs hatch, the nymph stage begins, whereby a roach undergoes several moults. Moulting cockroaches shed their exoskeletons to develop and grow bigger. Initially, nymphs are white before darkening to the standard brown pigment as they mature. Depending on the species, a female roach may take care of its babies. The nymph stage lasts a couple of months up to one year.
Adult Stage (Developed Cockroach)
After the final moult, a cockroach becomes a sexually active and fully functional adult. The females begin attracting their male counterparts to start reproduction. An adult roach measures one and a half to three inches long, is mostly brown, and has three pairs of legs, two pairs of wings, and one pair of long antennae. While many species have wings, a majority do not fly, instead crawling from place to place.
How Long Can A Cockroach Live?
A cockroach can live for one to two years. However, some species can live for up to a decade. Their high reproduction rate, large population, hard exoskeleton, and extraordinary survival instincts enable them to live for many years.
A Day In The Life Of An Adult Roach
Roaches are nocturnal, meaning they are most active in the dark. Adult roaches usually engage in three primary activities throughout their lifespan.
Cockroaches spend most of their time hiding. Even adult roaches with their bigger bodies can squeeze into tiny holes and cracks. Their hiding nature makes it challenging to know the extent of the infestation. But if you spot a roach or two in the open, a heavy cockroach infestation could be likely.
If a roach is not in hiding, it is out there looking for food. Though cockroaches require little food for survival, they seek it daily. They eat anything they can find, including paper, fingernails, book bindings, and hair.
Cockroaches are great breeders. A single female can lay eight or more eggs cases in its lifetime, bringing up three hundred to four hundred offspring.
What Does Cockroach Activity Mean?
Active cockroaches are trouble. Their movement in sewers and dumpsites leaves pathogens on their bodies. When they invade your home, they deposit all that messy stuff in drawers, shelves, and even food. The other problem is with their droppings which contain dangerous bacteria and egg casings that can cause asthma attacks and allergic reactions.
How Long Can A Roach Live Without Food And Water?
A cockroach can live for up to one month without eating. However, roaches are susceptible to dehydration and cannot survive with no water for more than a week. Even three days of thirst can make them very weak. When hungry and dehydrated, they start to shed weight and eventually die. Another surprising thing to know is that cockroaches can live without their head for several days and even weeks.
How To Know If A Cockroach Is Hungry Or Thirsty
One of the ways to eliminate cockroaches in your home is to deprive them of water and food. And here are the signs you have succeeded:
- Reduced Activity: With little to no water and food available, roaches become weak and lethargic. They stop scurrying around, and their numbers begin dropping. Within a few weeks, you will not spot any cockroaches roaming around.
- Dead Roaches: Some cockroaches will drop dead around the house. A large number will die in their nesting places out of sight and reach.
If your efforts are in vain and cockroaches continue infesting your home, it is high time for professional roach control.
Identifying And Eliminating Roach Infestation In Your House
August 18, 2021
Cockroaches invade homes looking for food and water. Once infested, a home becomes unhealthy and uncomfortable to live in. As…
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Cockroaches invade homes looking for food and water. Once infested, a home becomes unhealthy and uncomfortable to live in. As one of the most invasive and destructive household pests, roaches are bad news for your wellbeing and property. To make matters worse, spotting them can be challenging because they appear at night when the lights are off and you are asleep. And during the day, they will hide in hard to see and reach areas. But if you are keen enough, you can detect a cockroach problem early and deal with it promptly.
Signs Of Cockroach Infestation
A roach infested house is not that hard to recognise. There are several signs to look out for, with cockroach faeces being the most outright. Cockroaches defecate regularly, releasing tiny, black droppings that resemble ground pepper or coffee grounds. The more roaches in your house, the more droppings you will find. Below are other signs of a roach infested home.
Odd Smell
Cockroaches emit a strong, unpleasant odour. The more extensive and more prolonged the infestation, the greater the odour. The smell is usually described as musty, oily, and pungent.
Egg Cases
Female roaches lay lots of eggs in casings known as ootheca. Finding these casings around appliances, furniture, wet spots, and dark corners is an indication of a massive infestation waiting to happen.
Seeing a roach in your home, especially during the day, means there are many more hiding somewhere. Check for nests in damp, dark places like under sinks, behind the refrigerator, and inside cabinets as cockroaches usually hide in such places.
Dead Bodies
Seeing dead cockroaches can mean two things. Either there is a heavy infestation, or the infestation is dying out. Since roaches come out at night, not all make it back to their nest alive. Therefore, you are most likely to find lifeless roaches around your house in the morning. Where a cockroach drops dead, know there is a nest nearby.
It could be tricky to notice damages caused by roaches, but it is possible with a significant infestation. Cockroaches chew on clothing and other materials made of fabric. They can also damage your electronic devices by ruining internal electrical components leading to expensive repairs or replacements.
Where You Will Find Roaches
Found a roach in your home of late? Most likely, you found it in a dark, warm, moist area of your house. Cockroaches thrive where there is warmth, darkness, and moisture. Therefore, if you find a roach in your bed, then your bedroom is probably overly humid, not too hot nor too cold, and poorly lit. And if you find a cockroach outside your house, it will not be long before it finds its way into your house. Roaches reproduce fast, and if their population is not controlled as soon as possible, they can overrun your home. Some of the locations to inspect for cockroach infestation include:
- Kitchen: Search for roaches under and behind appliances such as ovens and refrigerators and inside cabinets where food is stored. Ensure there is no build-up of dirty utensils in the kitchen sink and food crumbs on the kitchen floor.
- Bathroom: Showers, pipes, bathtubs, and drains in the bathroom offer a moist environment where cockroaches can thrive. Fix leaks and remove wet towels.
- Laundry: Cockroaches usually hide under dryers, washers, and stacks of clothes.
- Basement: With roaches able to squeeze their bodies through tiny spaces, you will find them in cracks in the foundation. The basement’s humid and protective environment makes for a great haven for cockroaches.
The Dangers Of Cockroaches
Though cockroaches provide several ecological benefits, they cause more negative effects. Since they eat anything they encounter and frequent some of the most disgusting places, they are considered one of the filthiest household pests. They leave behind all the waste they collect on the way in your house, posing great health risks to you and your family. Their bodies and droppings have bacteria that can result in diseases like cholera and leprosy and allergens that can trigger allergic reactions and escalate asthma symptoms. Therefore, take immediate action when you spot roaches around your house.
What To Do When You Find A Cockroach
When cockroaches infest your home, you need to take proper and prompt action lest the infestation becomes massive. Here are the steps to take:
- Identify the Cockroach Nest: Roaches usually lay and hide eggs in their nests, and finding their nesting places is excellent for immediate elimination.
- Block All Entry Points: Cockroaches enter homes mainly through holes and cracks in walls and the foundation. They can also find their way inside through piping, the garage, or garbage. Seal gaping areas and fix leaky or broken pipes.
- Pesticides, Baits, and Traps: Something toxic to cockroaches like boric acid can help wipe out the infestation.
- Professional Extermination: For a more strategic and lasting solution, consider hiring a cockroach control expert.
Other Facts To Know About Cockroaches
Do Roaches Fly?
While cockroaches have wings, most are not flyers, instead using their legs to move around. If you see a roach kind of flying, it is just gliding. Roaches open their wings to glide from upper to lower surfaces. They cannot fly as well as bees and flies.
Do Cockroaches Make Noise?
Recognising cockroach infestation through cockroach sounds is not that easy. Anyway, roaches can be slightly heard when they are all together. You might hear them crawl around or flap their wings. The Madagascar hissing cockroach is the loudest roach species. It makes hissing sounds when scared or attracting a mate.
How Do You Repel Cockroaches?
You can prevent roaches from entering your house with the use of repellents. Essential oils, including lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint, are effective cockroach repellents. Additionally, cockroaches dislike the smell of lemons, coffee grounds, bay leaves, and cucumbers.
Cockroaches Die On Their Back
Roaches always die belly up reason being they have top-heavy bodies. Before dropping dead, they lose their muscle strength, especially those with skinny legs. Their body weight then becomes too much for them, thus toppling over and dying on their back.
Understanding The Life Cycle And Reproduction Rate Of Mice
August 18, 2021
To have a liveable home, you should rid it of household pests. Pests like mice can be a nuisance if…
Table of Contents
To have a liveable home, you should rid it of household pests. Pests like mice can be a nuisance if left to run wild. Mice are destructive little creatures regarded as one of the most invasive species in the world. Their success can be linked to an active life cycle and a high breeding rate. The house mouse is a small mammal with a pointed snout, hairy body, long naked tail, and small rounded ears.
Mice Life Cycle
First, the females experience heat for a period of 4 to 5 days. After mating and getting pregnant, they give birth three weeks later, giving rise to 6 to 8 pups up to 10 times a year.
The Birth And Growth Of A Mouse
Newborns are blind, hairless, and without ears. They gradually start seeing, moving, and developing fur after two weeks. Mothers nurse them for 21 days, during which the pups grow rapidly. By the fourth day, their ears are fully developed. Their hair starts to grow on the sixth day. And on the tenth to the twelfth day, they have a coat of fur.
The pups are weaned on the twenty-first day, with the males moving away from their mother’s territory while the females remain for some time. Around two months after birth, they reach adulthood, whereby they become sexually mature and active.
Mice Reproduction Rate
It seems all mice do is breed. In a year, a female mouse gets pregnant around 5 to 10 times. After getting pregnant, it only takes between 19 and 21 days to give birth.
Mouse Litter Size
On average, a litter has between 6 and 8 pups, meaning one female mouse can produce at least 30 babies in a year. After giving birth, the female can mate immediately afterward, with a new litter coming up within 25 days. Worse, a female baby mouse matures in 6 weeks and begins reproducing, ensuring continued mice breeding. Again, the indoor environment promotes more reproduction. And within a short time, a mice infestation can become significant. Females continue being reproductive until they die.
Life Span Of Mice
Mice live for about 12 months outdoors compared to around 2 to 3 years indoors. The difference in lifespan is because outside mice are preyed on by large birds. It can also become too hot or too cold outside. Inside the house, mice are not exposed to predators and harsh weather conditions. The obvious implication is that indoor mice have a longer time to cause problems in your home. Add to that their high rate of reproduction, and you can see how problematic mice can be.
The Dangers Of Mice
Be wary of mice in your home because they can lead to the following adverse effects:
- They spread lice and diseases.
- They damage stuff through gnawing and scratching.
- They breed future generations that ensure the infestation persists.
- They eat up your food and contaminate it.
- They chew on electrical wires and cords, likely causing appliance failures or even starting fires.
- Their nests in air ducts cause unpleasant odours indoors.
Signs Of Mice Infestation
Mice can be quiet and manage to stay hidden for quite a while. Below are signs to uncover them:
- Sights of mice
- Scratching sounds
- Scratched or gnawed objects and surfaces
- A pungent ammonia-like scent
- Faeces and urine stains
- Grease marks on walls caused by oil and dirt on the hairs of mice
- Footprints around less than half an inch long
- A nest made of soft materials like newspaper
How To Get Rid Of Mice
Here are various proven methods of eradicating mice:
Block Entryways
Use steel wool or any other kind of caulk to seal cracks and holes leading into your house, no matter how tiny they are. Target openings in walls, vents, utility pipes, and the foundation. Sealing off entry points prevents access by mice.
Use Mouse Traps
Lay several traps around your house. Use a mix of glue traps, wooden traps, bait traps, and multiple-capture traps. Using multiple traps ensures even those mice that are familiar with a specific type of trap are caught.
Load up the traps with mouse baits like peanut butter, dried fruit, chocolate, or the kind of food they eat up in your home. You can change the bait if it does not seem to be working.
Place the traps in areas where you see signs of mice like droppings. Make sure the traps are directly in the path of mice so that they run directly into the bait rather than running over it. Change the trap locations after every two days.
Use Bait Stations
A bait station is a poisonous meal wrapped in plastic, paper, or cellophane that mice can gnaw through. When mice eat the bait, they eventually die. The downside of this method is that it is not safe for pets and kids.
Good Sanitary Practices
Clear away food sources such as crumbs by vacuuming rooms and wiping down surfaces associated with cooking and dining. Mice can live on 3 to 4 grams of food a day and are easily attracted to scraps. Do not leave leftovers in the open by putting them in airtight containers. Go a step further and secure the trash can. And remember to remove debris and possible nesting areas.
Get A Cat
Cats are natural predators of mice. Get a cat to help scare away mice from your house.
Apply Peppermint Oil
Mice hate the smell of peppermint oil, which is one of the best mouse repellents. Dip cotton balls in the oil and strategically place them where mice are likely to pass through.
Contact Pest Control Specialists
Professional pest controllers have adequate means of ridding your home of mice. They put the right products and strategies in action to eliminate existing mice and prevent future infestation.
Bottom Line
The presence of mice in your home can cause health, financial, and even social problems. Knowing the life cycle and reproduction rate of mice is the first step in determining how to get rid of a mice infestation effectively.